Creating Your First Segmentation Recipe
  • 07 Mar 2025
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Creating Your First Segmentation Recipe

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Article summary

Once you’ve followed the steps in Creating Your First Recipe to configure the Imaging Setup, Template Image and Alignment, and Inspection Setup, follow the steps below to train a Segmentation model.

Label and Train

In this section, you’ll capture several images of the object and label defects using the brush tool. You’ll need to capture and label at least 10 images.

  1. Select the Label and Train tab. Alternatively, select Label and Train from the Recipe Editor.


    The preview pane (on the left-hand side) displays a live preview, until an image is captured or is selected using the Navigation menu.

  2. Under Inspection Types, click Edit to rename the default class (fail_[Inspection Type Name]) or add additional classes. Once you have all the classes you need the camera to identify, continue to the next step.

  3. With the object in the camera’s field of vision, select Capture.

  4. Use the Brush tool to highlight the defects on the object you want the camera to identify.


    Use the Eraser tool to remove any unwanted highlights.

  5. If you’ve added other classes, select the applicable Brush Class from the drop-down menu.

  6. Click Save Annotations.

  7. Place another example of the same object in the camera’s field of vision and repeat steps 3-6 until you have added at least 10 labeled examples (or if you’ve added additional classes, at least five examples of each class).


    The model will be more accurate if each image is different (do not repeat the same image).

    Double check that each capture is labeled correctly as this is what will be used to train the model.

  8. Continue to IO Block.


For more information about the Label and Train page, see Label And Train (Segmentation).

IO Block

In this section, you’ll define the pass/fail logic for your Recipe using Node-RED logic.

  1. Select the IO Block tab. Alternatively, select IO Block from the Recipe Editor.

  2. Define the criteria for the model to pass or fail. For example, specify that the model should fail if the ‘Center X’ coordinate of all detected blobs is not exactly 1000 pixels.


    If you want more advanced settings, click Advanced mode in the top-right corner and go to Advanced Mode.

Advanced Mode

  1. Right-click on the Classification Block Logic node and select Delete Selection.

    Segmentation IO Block - keychain(1)

  2. Right-click and select Insert > Node > Function.

  3. Reconnect the nodes.

    Segmentation IO Block - keychain

  4. Double-click on the function 1 node.

  5. Copy and paste the desired example code from the code samples below into the On Message tab.

    Code sample: Pass if no pixels are detected

    Copy and paste the following logic:

    const allBlobs = msg.payload.segmentation.blobs; // Extract the blobs from the payload's segmentation data
    const results = allBlobs.length < 1; // Check if there are no blobs and store the result (true or false)
    msg.payload = results; // Set the payload to the result of the check
    return msg; // Return the modified message object

    Code sample: Pass if all blobs detected are smaller than the defined threshold

    Copy and paste the following logic:

    const threshold = 500; // Define the threshold value for pixel count
    const allBlobs = msg.payload.segmentation.blobs; // Extract the blobs from the payload's segmentation data
    const allUnderThreshold = allBlobs.every(blob => blob.pixel_count < threshold); // Check if all blobs have a pixel count less than the threshold
    msg.payload = allUnderThreshold; // Set the payload to the result of the check
    return msg; // Return the modified message object

    Code sample: Pass if the total number of pixels detected is less than the defined threshold

    Copy and paste the following logic:

    const threshold = 5000; // Define the threshold value for the total pixel count
    const allBlobs = msg.payload.segmentation.blobs; // Extract the blobs from the payload's segmentation data
    const totalArea = allBlobs.reduce((sum, blob) => sum + blob.pixel_count, 0); // Calculate the total pixel count of all blobs
    msg.payload = totalArea < threshold; // Set the payload to true if the total area is less than the threshold, otherwise false
    return msg; // Return the modified message object

  6. Click Done.

  7. Click Deploy.

  8. Continue to Train Segmentation Model.


For more information about the IO Block page, see IO Block and Node-RED Logic.

Train Segmentation Model

In this section, you’ll train the model using the images labeled earlier.

  1. Select the Label and Train tab. Alternatively, select Label and Train from the Recipe Editor.

  2. Click Train Segmentation Model.

  3. Optional step: Adjust the Number of Iterations (Epochs) to set how many times the labeled images are shown by going to Advanced Settings > Parameters.


    Increasing the number of iterations will improve the model’s accuracy, but will also take longer to train.

  4. Click Start Training. A modal will display the progress of the training.

  5. Once the model is trained, use the Live Preview Mode or the HMI tab to verify the functionality of your Recipe. Place different examples of the object in the camera’s field of vision and verify the model classifies each example correctly.

    Next Steps

    Go back to the setup page and select the next step.

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