Region of Interest (ROI) Block
  • 20 Jun 2024
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Region of Interest (ROI) Block

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Article summary

Use the Region of Interest (ROI) Block page to draw ROIs on the Template Image to define key inspection areas, and group regions with similar appearances or failure modes into multiple Inspection Types.

Inspection Types — Click + Add Inspection Type to create meaningful groups of ROIs that share some key characteristics. In the example above, one group contains all LEDs, and another contains all resistors.

Inspection Regions — This is where you create new ROIs. You can also configure each ROI by setting a name and an Inspection Type. You can also lock each ROI in place by clicking on the lock icon next to its name.

Live Preview Mode (toggle) You can preview the ROIs live.


You can click any ROI on the image panel to change its location, size, shape, orientation, delete, or even clone it.

ROI Block best practices

When placing ROIs, it’s best to keep them tightly focused on only the essential areas for inspection. Including too much border or background could negatively impact the accuracy of training and model predictions.

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