All Recipes (Home Page)
  • 09 Aug 2024
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All Recipes (Home Page)

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Article summary


For helping connecting to the OV20i software, see Connecting to OV20i Software.

Managing and Creating Recipes

The All Recipes page is the home page for the OV20i software (pictured below). A Recipe is a unique inspection program, although it can contain many different inspections (Regions of Interest or ROI) within it. Typically, a new Recipe is created for a different part or SKU to be inspected, or a different section of a larger part (if the camera or part is being presented by robot). Only one Recipe is active at a time. A Recipe must be active in order for it to be run or edited.


Import Recipe / New Recipe: Click to add Recipes to the OV20i by importing pre-made Recipe files from your computer or by adding new ones from scratch.


All Recipes: The main window shows a list of all Recipes along with their name, status (active or inactive), description, ID for PLC integration, and created date. The active Recipe will always be displayed at the top of this list—only one Recipe can be active at a time.

  • Click the Edit button on the active Recipe to enter the Recipe Editor or the Actions drop-down menu to export a copy of the active Recipe to your computer with or without associated library images.

  • Click on Actions > Activate on any inactive Recipe to set it as the active Recipe or to delete the Recipe.

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