Classification Block
  • 20 Jun 2024
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Classification Block

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Article summary

Use the Classification Block page to train a deep learning model to determine what’s inside a Region of Interest.

Capture This lets you take a new Capture and use it to train a model.


While in Live Preview Mode, clicking on one of the labels under Inspection Types will trigger a Capture and label all ROIs of that type to that label class.

Import From Library This lets you add images stored in your Library and use them for model training.

View All ROIs — This modal shows each ROI cropped from its parent image. This is useful for visualizing all training data together on a grid-style page and can also efficiently be used to re-label data. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Clicking on a single image will show you information about that ROI, such as the parent image and Inspection Type. You can also change its label here.

  2. You can select multiple images by either clicking on the checkboxes for each or by holding shift and clicking to select contiguous blocks of images. Then, you can configure the chosen group using the buttons at the bottom.

Live Preview Mode (toggle) You can use this to preview aligner results or model results (after training it).

Labeling Data

Click ✏️ Edit above a group to edit or add the labels for each Inspection Type. You can also change the label color and name and add/remove classes.

There are two ways of labeling new data:

  1. Clicking the labels in the Inspection Types panel will label all ROIs of that Inspection Type to that label class. This can be useful when most labels are of the same class.

  2. Clicking the ROIs on the image window will cycle through all valid labels for that inspection type.

Training a Model

There are two modes a model can train. Fast and Accurate.

Fast — It is useful when iterating on the problem. It trains significantly faster, but it is generally less accurate. It will also run slower in production as it is not optimized.

Accurate — Production grade model.

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