Change Recipe using PLC
  • 13 Aug 2024
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Change Recipe using PLC

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Article summary

This section outlines the process for changing the recipe in the camera using PLC logic. Each step and corresponding action are detailed to ensure proper integration and functionality.

Note :

Make sure that the Recipe switch is not always high before triggering

Steps to Change Recipe

  1. Connect the Camera to the PLC using this link

Important tags and steps

  • Set the recipe number you want to use by moving it to the Camera_1:O.Data[4] register.

  • Trigger the RECIPE_SWITCH

  • Check Camera_1:I.Data[1].6 to ensure the camera is not busy before triggering the recipe switch. Use a one-shot rising edge signal Recipe_ONS to trigger the switch.

  • Latch the Recipe Switch Request, Camera_1:O.Data[0].1 to send the recipe switch request.

  • Verify Recipe Match and Acknowledgment

  • Once both conditions are met, the recipe match is confirmed.

  • Unlatch the Recipe Switch Request

Error Handling

  • After confirming the recipe match, unlatch the Camera_1:O.Data[0].1 bit to complete the recipe switch process.

  • Monitor for errors during the process.

  • If an error occurs, Camera_1:I.Data[1].1 will turn true.

Key Points

  • Camera Connection: Ensure proper connection between the camera and PLC.

  • Recipe Number: Move the desired recipe number to Camera_1:O.Data[4].

  • RECIPE_SWITCH Trigger: Use Recipe_ONS to trigger the switch while ensuring the camera is not busy (Camera_1:I.Data[1].6).

  • Latch Recipe Switch Request: Set and latch Camera_1:O.Data[0].1 for the switch request.

  • Verify Recipe and Acknowledge: Confirm match between Camera_1:I.Data[8] and Camera_1:O.Data[4] and check Camera_1:I.Data[0].2.

  • Unlatch Request: Unlatch Camera_1:O.Data[0].1 after confirmation.

  • Error Monitoring: Watch for Camera_1:I.Data[1].1 to handle any errors.

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